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Reading Achievement 30/Set - H-VA807

Reading Achievement 30/Set By Hayes School Publishing
Our Price: $9.69
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Description Why Buy From K12

Recognize your student's academic success with Hayes Stick-to-it Certificates. Hayes Stick-to-it Certificates motivate a high level of effort from students as they watch their accomplishments grow by adding reward stickers to their certificates. This positive effort is sure to lead to greater success. Stick-to-it Certificates are perfect for displaying in the classroom and for positive communication from school to home. Students will take great pride and more independence in their achievements as they strive to fill up their certificates. These proud feelings will continue when the students receive their personally completed certificates to keep as a reminder of their accomplishments. Students will " stick to" their goals with Hayes Stick-to-It Certificates. Includes 30 Reward Certificates, 320 Reward Seals, and an Instructor's Guide.

Related Information
  • See all of our Language Arts and Incentives & Motivators for more teacher supplies like the Reading Achievement 30/Set H-VA807 Language Arts.
  • Visit our teaching supplies publisher and manufacturer departments to see more products we carry from Hayes School Publishing .
  • This product is also listed in our teacher supplies catalog as product codes HAYHVA807,HAYVA807,HVA807.
  • UPC: 0734675230034

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